Take a stand with Emily.

  • Keep our kids safe

    Folks in Wisconsin cherish our way of life, our traditions, and our Second Amendment rights. But we also agree that our children's safety is paramount. We are dedicated to finding common ground, promoting responsible gun ownership, and ensuring our kids are safe in our schools and communities. Read more…

  • Invest in public education

    Emily is committed to building a brighter future for our community by investing in our public and vocational education system. By doing so, we will empower our students to reach their full potential, prepare young people for the workforce, and strengthen our community's overall economy. Read more…

  • prioritize infrastructure development

    Emily knows that strong infrastructure is the foundation of our way of life. Our campaign is dedicated to improving and expanding our rural infrastructure to create jobs, enhance connectivity, and support our local economy. Read more…

  • Age with Dignity

    We are blessed with the wisdom and experience of generations who have shaped our way of life. Our campaign is dedicated to honoring and supporting our aging population, ensuring that they receive the respect, care, and opportunities they deserve as they continue to contribute to our community. Read more…

  • support the local economy

    People in the 56th value hard work, opportunity, and family values thrive. We also understand that economic development is the key to ensuring a brighter future for our residents. The campaign is dedicated to harnessing the full potential of our the district, creating jobs, supporting small businesses, and strengthening our local economies. Read more…

  • defend democracy

    Emily is dedicated to defending our elections and safeguarding the future of our nation. Her campaign aims to ensure that the American people continue to have the final say in their government, and that our democracy remains a shining beacon for the world to admire. Read more…

  • fight for reproductive freedom

    Our campaign is dedicated to finding common ground and promoting a common-sense approach that respects individual choices, healthcare, and the autonomy of women while recognizing the importance of reducing unintended pregnancies.

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  • care for our natural world & environment

    Our campaign is about preserving our heritage, protecting our land and water, and taking meaningful steps to address climate change. By focusing on responsible land use, sustainable agriculture, clean water, and climate action, we can ensure that our community remains a great place to live, work, and raise a family. Read more…